Local development in a Macbook (part 2)

I had a number of issues regarding my local development VirtualBox loaded ubuntu that I installed a few years back. Using a VirtualBox installed Ubuntu for development Getting frustrated of trying to fix the problem (which I couldent really identify) I upgraded and updated and changed loads of stuff in the Ubuntu installation. Nothing worked.… Læs mere Local development in a Macbook (part 2)

Add your googleplus profile image to search results for your wordpress

You can use this method to include your google+ profile image to search results on your WordPress blog. All it takes are a few new lines of code to your functions.php file in your theme folder. You need to allow the users to add their google+ profile link on their wordpress user profile page. And… Læs mere Add your googleplus profile image to search results for your wordpress

Ubuntu as a virtual web server using VirtualBox on MacBook Air

“Less is more” – I want to install only the absolutely necessary programs on my new MacBook Air. I believe keeping things simple is more productive. As a web developer I create a lot of projects in my web directory. I do projects for customers, some as a sourced resource, and then projects for my… Læs mere Ubuntu as a virtual web server using VirtualBox on MacBook Air

Installer SSL på dit Surftown hostede domæne

Nu hvor Facebook kræver at ens Facebook sides iframe canvas loader via SSL (fra 1.okt 2011) har jeg haft en lille øvelse for recreative.dk som skulle overgå til SSL. (dvs. HTTPS). Surftown har naturligvis nogle udemærkede vejledninger som kan følges til de indledende øvelser. Men jeg konstaterede at det var svært at forstå hvordan “INTERMEDIATE… Læs mere Installer SSL på dit Surftown hostede domæne

Tips til WordPress og SSL HTTPS

Der skal heldigvis ikke så meget til, når du vil bruge WordPress på en sikker url (https) med SSL. (Du har installeret SSL for dit domæne) Selvfølgeligt kræver det, at dit TEMA er programmeret korrekt. Interne links skal kaldes på den rigtige måde. Når dit tema benytter WordPress funktionerne “bloginfo()” eller “get_bloginfo()”, så har WordPress… Læs mere Tips til WordPress og SSL HTTPS

Kategoriseret som WordPress

Flyt WordPress til ny server

Benyt denne simple fremgangsmåde til at flytte din WordPress fra en server til en ny, fra en web host til en anden, eller fra din test computer til din kundes domæne. – Dette er altså IKKE en vejledning i at migrere en enkeltstående WordPress ind i en Multisite WordPress installation. Her kalder vi den WordPress… Læs mere Flyt WordPress til ny server

Kategoriseret som WordPress

Favorite CSS3 buttons and techniques to cut development time

Buttons These buttons look great in chrome and other native css3 browsers, they work in IE but dont have rounded corners. papermashup.com http://papermashup.com/pretty-css3-buttons/ zurb.com http://www.zurb.com/blog_uploads/0000/0617/buttons-03.html Some contenders to use, If you dont care about Internet Explorer at all – these buttons dont work at all in IE – however they look outstanding in CSS3 browsers:… Læs mere Favorite CSS3 buttons and techniques to cut development time